Final vector drawing!

Final vector drawing!

Here it is!!!!! Spent so much time to finish this work. phew! However, It’s worth it 🙂
Since I came LA, It’s been over 2 years that I couldn’t see snow. That’s why I choose the concept of final about winter and north pole.


Update. Edit. Real final version. (13.10.12)


Before I edited it, I left a tree without shadow, because the theme of this poster is the dreaming of winter. Therefore, I thought there must be something which doesn’t belong to other things like dream that I often have. In a dream, anything is possible, and kind of makes it sense. However, my friend told me that it would be better if a tree has shadow too like other things for harmony of the poster, so I added a shadow of tree. and I’m happy with my result 🙂

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